Monday, February 16, 2015

Week 36-Holladay, UT

Holladay District C

I really don't have too much to report on. It was a good week. We worked. We taught. We had fun. I am beginning to understand the power of the atonement. One of my favorite scriptures is found in the Doctrine and Covenants. It reads:"He that ascends upon high, as also he descended below all things, in that he comprehendeth all things that he might be in all and through all things; the light of truth". I have truly come to feel and understand that He has indeed descended below all things. The gospel is true and real. It has the power to lift us higher when nothing else can. He understands all that we are faced with and simultaneously how to come on top of that which we are faced. I can help none of these people by myself. All of my experiences don't really compare to the deep and sensitive problems these people come to us with. We direct them to Jesus Christ. We teach them how to pray. We teach them the doctrine of Christ and try our best to help them accept it and stay with it. And if they do, their bitterness hate and confusion are replaced with peace, joy, and lasting and consistently renewed and gradually brighter light and happiness. God blesses us so abundantly with the condescension of his Son. I don't have time to say anything else. I figured that was the thing I could say of most importance. 

We should have 3 or so baptisms this weekend. We will see how it turns out. I am having issues with my district. There is a lot of trouble missionaries in my district. Many of which have been out quite a bit longer than me and are unwilling to listen to me or do anything I invite them to. I have to tread cautiously but still be firm in not allowing disobedience and defiance against the commandments we are to strictly abide by as missionaries. Thank you all. I love you!!
-Elder Bass

Later Notes: We went bowling because we hit our goal many times in a row as a zone. I think that we hit it 4 consecutive months. Many of the people seen in the pictures made up the mission leadership 6 months in the future from this time.

I had problems one night with Sister Carlson. I told the zone leaders that i had a problem with a gesture they were doing in the district that signified popping a butthole. The zone leaders said they would talk to them about it. Sister Carlson was really upset that i didnt tell her and told me off over the phone. I dont remember what i said to her but i remember the feeling of failure. I later learned how to handle things so that people would be more responsive. The zone leaders gave me good advice saying that it doesnt matter. I need to represent President to the people and not the people to the president. And of course the word president can be replaced with Jesus Christ.

A little bowling fun

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