Monday, February 9, 2015

Week 35-Holladay, UT

I really don't have too much to talk about this week. Most of our investigators are progressing; life is good. It seems like a pretty cliche thing to say but one of the biggest things I've learned on my mission so far is how to rely and work with the Lord. He gives you responsibilities that you can't really do by yourself and be successful or effective. Its only by relying on him that everything falls into place whether by a round-about way or just the way you thought.

Elder Thompson and I get along well. We teach well. We both strive to be better missionaries and to be obedient. So again life really is good. I love the work I am engaged in and frankly honored to be in Salt Lake. Its the best of both worlds. Temporally its simple. We get food from members every corner we turn. We get 5 course dinners every night pretty much and we have plenty of money to spend on groceries and get whatever we need, want, and crave. As far as the work goes there are so many members they are frequently giving us referrals and we teach a lot. It's a challenge with many, because they are very caught up in their ways and against conforming to the culture that's here. We just have to explain that you don't have to be a Utah Mormon to be a Mormon. Once we explain what it truly is and stuff, people aren't as opposed.

We taught the Cronks this week. They have a 16 year old son named Carson. He is a stud. He's one of the nicest kids you'll ever meet. His parents are pretty against the church and everything. We had a lesson with the dad who is against it. We brought Carson's friends. I learned the power and importance of members in teaching. They both testified and the spirit was super strong. Everyone kind of started to cry and tear up. It's crazy to see the spirit soften hearts and change lives. Our stake conference was also this week. One of Carson's friends was asked to share his testimony. He went up and told the story about Carson and how we had no idea if Carson was truly interested or not but during the first lesson he broke down and opened up and we discovered he was super prepared by God. We will just never truly know if they are ready until they have a chance to hear the message. He said that he was so glad he referred him to the missionaries. He said that he loves us and considers us some of his good friends. It's crazy. Members just love us and pamper us all the more now.

We found a man who lost his records and was a convert baptism not too long ago. He will count as a convert baptism. It is another tender mercy from God. God hands us so many people.

Like I said, life is good! I love it. I love the work. I love my God. I with Nephi "glory in plainness (and) glory in truth; I glory in my Jesus for he hath redeemed my soul from hell". Take care everyone!

-Elder Bass

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