Monday, June 22, 2015

Week 54--Holladay, UT

Only have about ten minutes to write this. We had a meeting with president this past week. He called because he wanted to meet with me. Elder Baldry has still been acting kind of weird. He was joking around one morning about going home relentlessly. I asked why he always joked about it and if he was serious about it. That opened up a long conversation. We talked about a lot of stuff. Eventually, I realized and he told me that he was troubled because he had something big that he had never confessed of before his mission. He said that the stake president came up to him and asked him the direct question that was what he had done and because he was afraid he lied.  He loves the area and doesn't want to go home. I testified to him the importance of complete repentance by forsaking and also confessing. I told him all you can do is your part. Once you have repented you can just leave it into the Lord's hands. I shared my conviction that president was inspired and would be guided by God to do what was the very best for him. Since we were already meeting with him I asked him if he would tell president about it privately. He said he would. At that moment, I realized why I had been here with him another transfer. He has been so much better ever since he told president. It took 4 months to build a relationship of trust with him. I know that God is so very aware of each of his children, no matter who they are or where they came from or their current circumstances or status' in life.
-Elder Bass

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