Monday, October 20, 2014

Week 19-Rock Springs, WY

Alright, it has been an amazing week! It really doesn't show in our numbers but it has been incredible. Let me start out by saying that I love all of my family and friends, and I am so appreciative of their support. It helps boost my spirits even higher knowing that I am missed and cared for at home. It means a lot!

We have developed a really good relationship with the Elders Quorum president (Matt Tolhurst) in one of our wards! He is a super cool guy and he always lends us a helping hand when we need it! He has been trying really hard to participate in missionary work. His mother-in-law teaches some special Spanish program at the high school. The people she teaches have rough lives and they call her Mom because she cares for them. She invited a few of them to take the missionary lessons. We met with Karen on Tuesday night. We had the lesson in the Ward building. She doesn't speak or understand English very well so Sister Edmund acted as a translator. We kept our lesson in brief and clear statements of truth. Even though it was translated, it seemed to flow super well! We were hesitant at the end to extend the baptismal invitation. But I felt the spirit and I felt like it was something the Savior would do. I extended the invitation. She was silent for a little bit and we were worried. She started telling a story or something in Spanish. We were super anxious for it to be translated. She said that she grew up Catholic and she never was baptized because she felt like it was the wrong way or manner to be baptized but that she feels like this is right. Elder Hanks explained that we would like to set a date for us and her to work towards together. I feel like when she realized that it was actually going to take place, she was silent again. Tears filled her eyes and she began to cry. The spirit filled the room. She began to explain more of the story. She said that her parents are not the best people and they don't really take care of them. Because she is the oldest she has always looked out for her younger siblings. I think she has 3 or 4 siblings. In the midst of tears, she said that she always knew that God wanted her to be Baptized, she just didn't know when was the right time. She said she feels now is the right time! When she started crying I asked her what she felt? She said that she felt peace. I said that this was the spirit confirming that what she saw and said was true. It was amazing and totally not Elder Hanks and I. She also saw the Meet the Mormons movie. She said she did have some concerns whether her parents would accept her. In the movie, the lady from Costa Rica got baptized and all turned out well for her and she said that she felt like it would be well for her also. Thank you Church Headquarters!

On Monday, Elder Hanks had been acting kinda odd all day. He said that different parts of his body hurt and it was really weird. When night came we sat down for planning and Elder Hanks rushed to our bathroom and started throwing up relentlessly. I finished planning and when things calmed down I asked if there was anything I could do. He said he wanted a blessing. I got Elder Martineau from our apartment to help and we gave him a blessing. In the blessing, he was throwing up which was an interesting experience. It was relatively short and I said that by morning he would be healed. When the blessing concluded he stopped throwing up and slept on the bathroom floor. In the morning it was like nothing had happened. He was healed.
I also gave Sis Gunderson, an older lady in one of our wards, a blessing. In it, I (according to my companion) said some pretty bold things about her passing on and other touchier stuff that I wouldn't ever really feel comfortable saying. But the weird part was that it didn't feel uncomfortable or harsh at all. It felt perfectly natural. I was super surprised and I know that it was all the Lord. She said it was a beautiful blessing at the conclusion. I wondered if she heard the words that I said!!! The spirit was there so I was grateful.

Last night, we taught a lady named Edna. Her and her daughter, Dianca, are from Guinea-Bussua in Africa. She only speaks Portuguese. We found some members where both parents speak Portuguese. There is another recent convert from the same place so we invited him to join us! I have come to know that they are truly an amazing people!! Anyways, it was rough all of yesterday. Nobody was home or available and we just weren't having any success. Nevertheless, we kept diligent and busy and kept the spirit with us. Thank goodness because at the end of the day, the lesson we had with her was awesome! It was fully translated from English to Portuguese. She is an amazing lady and she said that she lived in Cuba for a while. In Cuba there is no religion allowed. She says that people were so lost and confused. She said that she used to go to a Roman Catholic church in Africa but she has drifted from that and doesn't really believe in it. Elder Hanks extended the baptismal invitation and she accepted. She will also talk to her husband about what has happened. I am excited to see how it will all play out. The Spirit helps us so much in our lessons. I really feel with Preach My Gospel, the Spirit teaches and we are just pawns. NO CREDIT goes to Elder Hanks and I.

I have really loved working with Elder Hanks. He is sincere and he is trying and we do what we can. It is a drastic change from working very little with Elder Clark and being very diligent with Elder Hanks. There is truly a night and day difference! One of the things that I told Elder Clark when I talked to him was that our area was dripping with potential. With not too much going on the previous two transfers with Elder Clark, we have moved from not much going on to SO much work. As of last night, we have 8 people on date to be baptized for next transfer (which is a huge blessing). I hope I get to stay another transfer to see the fruits of my labors this transfer. Elder Hanks and I get a long well. People always mess up his name, which is pretty funny. So I make up names for him on door approaches. I feel like Shawn in Psyche. Elder Hanes, Hawes, Honks, Hawks ect. Anyways I love you all and like I said in the beginning, I appreciate the support. Well, take care everyone!

Elder Bass

PS- Mom you may want to look on the church website. We had interviews and we took picture with Sister Eberhardt. There's a good picture of Emma and I! Also I would love a V-neck sweater.... its getting cold!!!  haha I may do shorter one next week because this one's so long!!

Later Notes: I remember that Elder Hanks and i had to have a talk about not calling him names all the time. I found that i do have the tendency to take jokes too far and be too sarcastic.

As im writing and reflecting on this time, it brings me a lot joy. I remember the joy and the fun that i had with these guys.

Here's some pictures that I found from the mission facebook page: 

Wyoming District C

Elder Bass and Elder Hanks

Elder Kirsi and Elder Martineau--roommates of Elder Bass and Elder Hanks

Sister Tennyson and companion

Elder Bass and Sister Tennyson--friends from before the mission!

Another pic of Kirsi and Martineau with scarves!

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