Monday, June 30, 2014

Week 3-Rock Springs, WY

I'm running short on time so I will only tell you about some of my experiences! I am serving in Rock Springs, Wyoming! It's a dry barren wasteland. But its AWESOME! 

My trainer is a guy from Nashville, Elder Clark! We get along great! And he's an awesome guy. He's taught me a lot and continues to do so.  

A lot of what we do is work with part member families, visit inactives and less actives, and try to find and teach people! Umm lets see. My first day we had a few cool experiences. We committed someone to baptism in a ghetto apartment. In the same apartment a few weeks earlier some guys on drugs beheaded someone in the very apartment we are teaching! 

Also the same day, we stopped by someone's house who are inactive. Apparently that day their daughter partially fell into a fryer at work. Ouch! She said that we were meant to stop by there and she was very emotional. Her mom asked us to give her a blessing since the father was inactive and stuff. So that was Great! 

There's been a few more but I still need to email President Eberhardt! Hopefully everything's going well with you guys!
-Elder Bass

Later Notes: I remember that my first lesson was with a girl named Heather. She would play a major role in my first area. We taught her the Plan of Salvation. Elder Clark had some cards that we would use that was laminated cut outs of each part of the plan of salvation.

My transition from MTC teaching to actual teaching was quite natural. I immediately started to teach 50% of the lessons. 

I remember many times being super exhilarated and saying," I love being a missionary; this is so exciting."

My first few days we worked diligently with MLS lists and would block off large portions of time to do so. Usually in the afternoon or morning.

Afternoons there was always almost no one to see and Elder Clark and i would get very tired. It would always be hard to make it to dinner.

Alex's study area

New apartment in Rock Springs

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