Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Week 20-Rock Springs, WY

Transfer day is tomorrow. I just found out I will be staying another 6 weeks in Rock Springs, which means I will have stayed a total of 6 months in Rock Springs!  I am super excited. We have 9 people on date for baptism next transfer and possibly 5 more if things go well with the people we are teaching.  The next one is December 9 or something.

Well it has been another amazing week for me. Our weeks are packed with so many events and things that happen that it seems like we've been here a lot longer than we actually have. Weeks feel like months as far as the amount of events that happen. I will be able to send Emma off which is awesome. It will be really fun to be able to spend more time with her and the other people in my district for another transfer. Our district stayed the same for another 6 weeks, except we'll be losing Elder Kirsi. He is going home. I will really miss him. We have gotten really close. I am very excited to continue working in Rock Springs and we should be doing some "reaping" this transfer which will be amazing! Now for some experiences this week:

I spent a lot of time this week in Manilla. I went there again with Elder Vause. The other elders have really been struggling in Green River so they needed a break. I really love Manilla. It is an amazing place to be and many refer to it as God's country. When I left last time, I really didn't feel like we did much in Manilla. Although now, all they really had to work with was what Elder Vause and I did together last time. We had a goal and we prayed really hard about it. Our goal for this exchange was to help someone commit to baptism. We went through all 2 1/2 days in Manilla with no success. We were able to pick up a new investigators and teach a few lessons. We compiled a list of people who could be ready to accept the gospel and visited them. They all weren't home or it wasn't a good time. It was very slow. Anyways, we went back to Green River and we found out that one of my investigators from Rock Springs, who I knew quite well, had abruptly moved to Green River in their area. The night before Elder Hanks and Elder Vause's companion (Elder Scherf from Holland), who were in Rock Springs, had met with them and had found their address. That morning right before we switched back, we went over to meet with them and Jasmine and Patrick Blazedale committed to baptism for Nov 15! It was clearly a miracle and a response to our plea. Just how the timing and everything worked out it was definitely a miracle. God truly answers prayers.

You may remember in one of my first emails us miraculously meeting a guy whose daughter had brain surgery. He has been gone at some sort of substance rehab for 90 days.  Other family members have been gone for various occasions and events during the summer. While he and some of the children were gone during the summer, we developed and kept a good relationship with the Mom and the rest of the kids. This past Monday, we knew that he was getting back from rehab. We were very nervous because we thought he might be bitter and come back a different person. We prayed fervently that all would go well if he was back. We got there and all the kids were back as well. He has a job that has crazy hours and he was home! They all were there and that in-and-of-itself was a miracle. We caught up and talked for a while about all that had happened. They really love and appreciate us and what we do. He said that he was grateful for us looking out for his wife while he was gone and considers us like family. The most amazing thing happened later in our conversation. The mom randomly brought up her baptism many years ago. She told what an amazing experience it was for her. She said that the Spirit was there and when she received the Holy Ghost it was unlike anything else she's ever experienced. She said that she remembers it well even though it was many years ago. We invited their family to take the lessons and they accepted. I feel like this week we will see them set a date for baptism. It's amazing what can happen if you just try your best to do nothing but show the Savior's love.

We had another lesson with Edna yesterday from Guinea-Bussua.  She is truly amazing. She knows that it is true and she feels really welcome and happy at church. The entire lesson was translated into Portuguese. At the lesson was a recently baptized Guinea-Bussuan (Adriano) and the Wilson parents (who both speak Portuguese). The mom is a native from Brazil.  At one point, I said that even though I couldn't understand what they were saying I could still feel the Spirit telling me that what they were saying was true. She said that she felt the Spirit as well. THAT NEVER HAPPENS! That tells you how amazing Edna is. They are an amazing family. I felt prompted at the end of our lesson to ask Adriano to share his testimony with Edna. I felt kind of uncomfortable doing it but I proceeded anyways. He shared his testimony and even though I couldn't understand a word he was saying, we all felt the Spirit touch us and she started to cry. We asked her if she had been reading. She said she had a very stressful week. She opened up and told us that she is recently married (as of a month ago) and before they were married her husband had told her that he had a little addiction. She brushed it off and thought that he was joking or something. Anyways, turns out he wasn't joking and he is actually an alcoholic. He had begun to get abusive and so the police were at their house and she moved places. The Wilsons' told us they told her that all the strength she needs can be found in the Book of Mormon. All in all, it was a great lesson.

Last story whew... Elder Hanks and I gave short talks in sacrament along with one of our Ward Mission Leaders. He is actually my favorite. In his talk, he talked about the pioneers a little bit and he talked about the rescuers who were sent to help the Martin handcart company who were stuck in WY and other places very similar on their trek West. He said that Elder Hanks is a direct descendant of Ephraim Hanks and that I was a direct descendant of Thomas E Ricks, both of whom were rescuers for the Martin Handcart Company. And that we, like our forefathers, were sent to rescue people in a very real way in WY as well. The Spirit filled the room and I came to the realization that I knew one the reasons I was sent here. He also said that the veil was a lot thinner than we realize and the people we come in contact with may very well have been friends from before. He put it into the perspective of that if we hadn't forgotten, we would be pained that they didn't have the gospel in their lives. We taught a lesson later in another ward. It was about prophets. I asked the class what does it mean to sustain church officers. The Elders Quorum President said that it was like Ephraim Hanks and others did in the movie, "17 Miracles". They were asked to go rescue and they went. The Spirit filled the room. I told them about our ancestors and I said at times I felt like he (Thomas E Ricks) was helping me with my work. The Elders Quorum President said that his ancestors come from some those who were rescued. It was a very neat experience. This week, I really have come to realize there are many reasons why I have been called to this mission.

I love you all and appreciate your support. It means the world.

-Elder Bass

Later Notes: That Sunday we taught gospel principles. We had great support from the ward. The ward participated in the discussion. One man in particular (pres. king) talked about how some of his ancestors were rescued. 

At this party we ran the apple-bobbing station. At the very end i tried to get an apple. I eventually got one. In the picture my hair was wet because of that.
Ward party: we ran a bobbing for apples station. I got one finally. Also I probably contracted a few illnesses from all the kids regurgitating the water as they tried to get the apple

I said my goodbyes to Vicki and Evan last night because I thought I was going to get transferred. I didn't soooo..... awkward....
 Lots of pictures of Manilla:

Random herd of deer

Manilla's open beauty

The cabin we get to stay in while in Manilla! So Awesome!

Ole Cowboy Joe at the front door

Me on a tractor in Manilla
We left this piece of glass at a ladies door in our complex and we found it next to our door again

I'm really gonna miss Elder Kirsi

Monday, October 20, 2014

Week 19-Rock Springs, WY

Alright, it has been an amazing week! It really doesn't show in our numbers but it has been incredible. Let me start out by saying that I love all of my family and friends, and I am so appreciative of their support. It helps boost my spirits even higher knowing that I am missed and cared for at home. It means a lot!

We have developed a really good relationship with the Elders Quorum president (Matt Tolhurst) in one of our wards! He is a super cool guy and he always lends us a helping hand when we need it! He has been trying really hard to participate in missionary work. His mother-in-law teaches some special Spanish program at the high school. The people she teaches have rough lives and they call her Mom because she cares for them. She invited a few of them to take the missionary lessons. We met with Karen on Tuesday night. We had the lesson in the Ward building. She doesn't speak or understand English very well so Sister Edmund acted as a translator. We kept our lesson in brief and clear statements of truth. Even though it was translated, it seemed to flow super well! We were hesitant at the end to extend the baptismal invitation. But I felt the spirit and I felt like it was something the Savior would do. I extended the invitation. She was silent for a little bit and we were worried. She started telling a story or something in Spanish. We were super anxious for it to be translated. She said that she grew up Catholic and she never was baptized because she felt like it was the wrong way or manner to be baptized but that she feels like this is right. Elder Hanks explained that we would like to set a date for us and her to work towards together. I feel like when she realized that it was actually going to take place, she was silent again. Tears filled her eyes and she began to cry. The spirit filled the room. She began to explain more of the story. She said that her parents are not the best people and they don't really take care of them. Because she is the oldest she has always looked out for her younger siblings. I think she has 3 or 4 siblings. In the midst of tears, she said that she always knew that God wanted her to be Baptized, she just didn't know when was the right time. She said she feels now is the right time! When she started crying I asked her what she felt? She said that she felt peace. I said that this was the spirit confirming that what she saw and said was true. It was amazing and totally not Elder Hanks and I. She also saw the Meet the Mormons movie. She said she did have some concerns whether her parents would accept her. In the movie, the lady from Costa Rica got baptized and all turned out well for her and she said that she felt like it would be well for her also. Thank you Church Headquarters!

On Monday, Elder Hanks had been acting kinda odd all day. He said that different parts of his body hurt and it was really weird. When night came we sat down for planning and Elder Hanks rushed to our bathroom and started throwing up relentlessly. I finished planning and when things calmed down I asked if there was anything I could do. He said he wanted a blessing. I got Elder Martineau from our apartment to help and we gave him a blessing. In the blessing, he was throwing up which was an interesting experience. It was relatively short and I said that by morning he would be healed. When the blessing concluded he stopped throwing up and slept on the bathroom floor. In the morning it was like nothing had happened. He was healed.
I also gave Sis Gunderson, an older lady in one of our wards, a blessing. In it, I (according to my companion) said some pretty bold things about her passing on and other touchier stuff that I wouldn't ever really feel comfortable saying. But the weird part was that it didn't feel uncomfortable or harsh at all. It felt perfectly natural. I was super surprised and I know that it was all the Lord. She said it was a beautiful blessing at the conclusion. I wondered if she heard the words that I said!!! The spirit was there so I was grateful.

Last night, we taught a lady named Edna. Her and her daughter, Dianca, are from Guinea-Bussua in Africa. She only speaks Portuguese. We found some members where both parents speak Portuguese. There is another recent convert from the same place so we invited him to join us! I have come to know that they are truly an amazing people!! Anyways, it was rough all of yesterday. Nobody was home or available and we just weren't having any success. Nevertheless, we kept diligent and busy and kept the spirit with us. Thank goodness because at the end of the day, the lesson we had with her was awesome! It was fully translated from English to Portuguese. She is an amazing lady and she said that she lived in Cuba for a while. In Cuba there is no religion allowed. She says that people were so lost and confused. She said that she used to go to a Roman Catholic church in Africa but she has drifted from that and doesn't really believe in it. Elder Hanks extended the baptismal invitation and she accepted. She will also talk to her husband about what has happened. I am excited to see how it will all play out. The Spirit helps us so much in our lessons. I really feel with Preach My Gospel, the Spirit teaches and we are just pawns. NO CREDIT goes to Elder Hanks and I.

I have really loved working with Elder Hanks. He is sincere and he is trying and we do what we can. It is a drastic change from working very little with Elder Clark and being very diligent with Elder Hanks. There is truly a night and day difference! One of the things that I told Elder Clark when I talked to him was that our area was dripping with potential. With not too much going on the previous two transfers with Elder Clark, we have moved from not much going on to SO much work. As of last night, we have 8 people on date to be baptized for next transfer (which is a huge blessing). I hope I get to stay another transfer to see the fruits of my labors this transfer. Elder Hanks and I get a long well. People always mess up his name, which is pretty funny. So I make up names for him on door approaches. I feel like Shawn in Psyche. Elder Hanes, Hawes, Honks, Hawks ect. Anyways I love you all and like I said in the beginning, I appreciate the support. Well, take care everyone!

Elder Bass

PS- Mom you may want to look on the church website. We had interviews and we took picture with Sister Eberhardt. There's a good picture of Emma and I! Also I would love a V-neck sweater.... its getting cold!!!  haha I may do shorter one next week because this one's so long!!

Later Notes: I remember that Elder Hanks and i had to have a talk about not calling him names all the time. I found that i do have the tendency to take jokes too far and be too sarcastic.

As im writing and reflecting on this time, it brings me a lot joy. I remember the joy and the fun that i had with these guys.

Here's some pictures that I found from the mission facebook page: 

Wyoming District C

Elder Bass and Elder Hanks

Elder Kirsi and Elder Martineau--roommates of Elder Bass and Elder Hanks

Sister Tennyson and companion

Elder Bass and Sister Tennyson--friends from before the mission!

Another pic of Kirsi and Martineau with scarves!

Monday, October 13, 2014

Week 18-Rock Springs, WY

Mariana's baptism

Sounds like a hectic week! I am happy you guys were able to get out of the groove and take a break from the normal life style! Honestly, life is good! I am absolutely loving my mission and my companion is a great guy and we both try really hard to be good missionaries. He isn't very experienced so it can be hard at times, but I really feel like we are being led by the spirit. I have seen significant improvements in him and me too! We strive to work with the ward members and we are taking big steps trying to get involved with our three wards. We recently got a new ward mission leader in our one ward that is struggling the most. He is super on fire for missionary work which really helps us! We have had more work in that ward than we have in a long time! We are picking up investigators and our teaching pool is growing. We are currently teaching 50+ people. I love Rock Springs and I'm crossing my fingers that I'll be able to stay til 6 months! I have made so many friends here with investigators and members! I'm already making a list of people I will be coming back to visit! There are some amazing families here!

We have had quite a few miracles this week. First of all,  I have found that Church is a reliable source of revelation. That is not the primary purpose of church, but it is a benefit and blessing of going to church. Sundays we don't have time to study. For the past little bit, we have been struggling with Heather. She needs to be baptized and she knows it. We just can't find time to meet with her and she is falling away I feel. We prayed specifically the night before to seek revelation for Heather and what we could do. We asked that as we paid attention to the message at church and soaked as much as we could in, we would receive an answer. Well we have three wards to attend. I went through the first 2 and didn't know what we were supposed to do. Went to the first two meetings of the third one and nothing. Sacrament meeting is at the end with the last ward. There were three speakers. The first two seemed to take the entire time and still nothing. The last speaker had 5 minutes to speak and my answer came in that last 5 minutes. The words he said didn't answer my question but the spirit taught me through one idea that he brought up. I was so thankful for this experience and I know that church is a means whereby we can receive revelation. 

Another miracle quickly, two weeks ago we got a family to come to church! She was induced two days later and so we hadn't had the chance to talk with them because they were in the hospital.We were able to see them last night. They said that when they came to church two weeks ago they were fighting before and weren't in a good spirit. When they came to church they said that they seemed to get along. They felt peace and all was well. It was crazy that it made such an impression on them. They had just birthed a baby! The dad said that it was like a quote from Everybody loves Raymond. We were expecting a shallow comment about church. However, in the episode someone asked someone else why they went to church. The response was: "to get away from the world and focus on the things that matter most." He said he felt that way. It was a huge testimony builder to me on the importance of church!

We also had a baptism this week. Mariana has been waiting a long time and finally the time has come.I had the wonderful opportunity to perform that ordinance for her. There was so much joy. Surely the greatest blessings are found through the restored gospel!  Surely the gospel is true. Surely the priesthood authority has been restored and it is such a blessing that it is available to those as weak and as incompetent as I! Thank goodness for the enabling power of the atonement. Otherwise I would be horribly and embarrassingly unqualified for this great work. I know that in Christ's strength I can do all things! 
-Elder Bass

Elder M from Phillipines

Elder Tagg from North Carolina

Elder Bass on couch
Later Notes: The whole Marriana experience was pretty crazy. I remember that Jake her husband got drunk and started trying to beat her and threatened her that he would i believe kill her if she got baptized. She called us wondering what we should do. We called the mission president asking what would be the best thing to do. He told us to refer her to the bishop. We gave her a blessing. We promised that one day she would have an eternal family. I believe i gave the blessing. I am honestly not sure how but things got resolved. I think that after he wasnt drunk anymore he apologized and said it was fine if she got baptized.

I remember going to Ihop one morning with members of the stake presidency. I remember being super happy feeling close to sister Tennyson. She was someone i could relate to from back home who understood me. 

Wisdom from journal: "I found that as i made my prayers more meaningful and my studies great things are being brought to pass. It means more to me. I feel more." 

Monday, October 6, 2014

Week 17-Rock Spring,WY

Elder Kirsi is a stud!

Elder Hanks and I
Let's see.... We almost hit SOE for lessons this week! That was pretty cool. We have focused a lot on finding and we have found many investigators to teach in result of God's help. We ran into a lady native to Guinea-Bissau in Africa. She can only speak Portuguese. We will be going back this week with a Portuguese return missionary. I'm excited for her. We had a cool experience with the Elders Quorum president in one of our wards. We organized a service project for one of our investigators before conference on Saturday. We had an awesome turn out and we were able to successfully chop wood for her, install a few broken windows, and fix up and till her yard! It is very probably that we will start teaching her daughters next week. She is an awesome lady. She is currently fighting cancer. We also got a call that possibly three people in our area want to get baptized. We will be meeting with them tonight! We met with a black family from California. They were very opinionated about the Book of Mormon. They have potential if they can let down their barriers of judgment and consider our message. Their son is on a mission in Georgia.

 Life is good. We are working as hard as we can and trying to rely on the Lord as much as we can. I testify that this is His work and we can't do it without him. I know first hand. 

Conference was great. It was a good experience to watch it with the other elders and sisters in Rock Springs. My favorite talk was Elder Ballard. He explains things so clearly and it's really instructive and edifying. There were a lot of Seventies that I liked as well. I am truly upset that it is over. It was very uplifting and edifying for me. I received revelation on how I can improve! That's one of the reasons I love conference and the scriptures; you can always find things to improve on! 

Anyways, Life is good! I absolutely love my mission and being a missionary. I am ever grateful for this opportunity! 

-Elder Bass

Later notes: The black family i mentioned in the letter i give a little more detail about. I vividly remember the experience. We started to try to teach the first discussion at like the first or second principle the flood gates opened and he told us everything that his pastor had told him. He referenced scriptures in revelation. The main concern that he had was that the bible was the only word and there was no more word except it was the bible. Many many times during the visit he beat the bible and said," the word is right here, i just don't get the book." He also brought up excommunication. We invited him to read and pray about the Book of Mormon. He said that he would examine it with his pastor. We asked for a return appointment he said we could come back to play cards but they were good. Good times...

I felt like being with Elder Hanks was comparable to training someone. I had foolishly expected a capable and developed missionary who would show me how to do missionary work, but God wanted me to learn those skills on my own.